Endorsements for "Healing with the Rainbow Rays"
"Your Bright Rainbow Rays on Paper"
"Every Energy Healer Needs this Book!"
San Francisco Bay Area Oct. 17, 2001
"Stellar Info on Healing with Color"
"I need a new copy! I wore this one OUT!"
Magazine/Newsletter Reviews
"Healing with the Rainbow Rays is an expansive collection of healing techniques, simply outlined and clearly explained. This reference volume is intended as an adjunct to class work and hands-on observation. Alijandra does an admirable job presenting energy healing techniques in a concise, easy-to-read manner, calling on Spirit to enhance the study. This book can be used by body-workers, psychics and practitioners of conventional medicine.
"Starting with the basics about color healing, twenty-five chapters cover topics including: the twelve major chakras, the thirteen rays of creation, grounding, protection, channeling and reading energy, working with herbs, crystals and sound. Advanced work incorporates these techniques into broader areas, like the causal body, alchemy, time travel and other multidimensional aspects of healing and psychic work."
Magical Blend magazine
Fall 1995
"I thought I knew much about color, since it has been an area of my interest for a number of years. Yet, in reading Alijandra's book I realized I have only scratched the surface. For the novice or practitioner who wants to add color healing to your own methods, there are clear explanations of what color is, as well as specific exercises showing you how to use color for clearing, protection, balance, and more. For the advanced practitioner, Alijandra brings to light such areas as multidimensional chakra balancing, linking universes, out-of-body experiences, and psychic surgery. These are all classroom-tested techniques that anyone can learn. This book becomes even more important as we realize that we are entering a time when color and sound will become more and more important to our well-being and our healing. Vibrational healing, which includes color, dates back many years and perhaps many lifetimes; yet, in this lifetime, it is being presented to use in sharper detail as we move into the New Age."
Arlene Arnold
The New Times ; Seattle, WA
Fall 1998
"Color affects our lives on a daily basis. Further, color - frequency of light - has healing properties that can be used for enlightenment, attunement, healing of the body, mind and emotions, even communicating with intelligences beyond our five senses.
"Alijandra's wonderful new book, Healing with the Rainbow Rays fills a void. Missing from our lives has been a book that has both information and techniques on color healing, multi-dimensions, hyperspace, alchemy and advanced psychic arts.
"Until now! Healing with the Rainbow Rays does all this and more. Further, it is simply written, well-explained and well-illustrated. More than that, it is practiced (and tested) by the author and others in a classroom setting. Alijandra carefully and cogently explains the philosophies and basis of color healing, and coordinates them with the practical exercises to put this integral therapy to good use.
"Healing with the Rainbow Rays covers your entire self...the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It covers the lighted self and the shadow self; the inner child and the responsible adult; the third dimensional human and the multidimensional- aspected Self.
"Healing with the Rainbow Rays can help you help yourself...and can also help you help others. ..It carries the reader to a deeper understanding of your own life and your possibility of growth by presenting a mirror that exposes imbalance. Alijandra's color healing techniques allow you to not only transfer the harmonizing energy of Creation, but to reflect this energy into your life.
"Healing with the Rainbow Rays is a key that can open your door to betterment!"
Richard Fuller, Senior Editor
Metaphysical Reviews
May 1996
"It is known that blue facilitates communication, that green improves healing, that rose pink calms and relieves stress. These are the colors of our physical world that affect our behaviors on a visible plane. Alijandra's mission is to promote understanding of the powers of the radiant rays that emanate from the 'etheric Rainbow Temples'---those that properly channeled, provide an intense healing experience. These 25 chapters are intended to spread the color energy method of healing, and introduce the interested healer to basic theory and techniques. It is something, she says, that everyone is capable of doing, provided that possess an open mind and heart. There is a lot to absorb here, and I don't mean just invisible rays."
-NAPRA Review
Fall 1995
"A cutting-edge book in a little known field, Alijandra has filled a gap in healing education. Layman and professional healer alike can use this book and its exercises to effectively establish healing energy."
Evolving Times ; Sacramento, CA
Sept 1997
"Healing with the Rainbow Rays is a book of techniques for developing one's healing abilities and intuitive connection with Spirit. Although it is not meant to replace instruction by a qualified Color Energy Therapist, it can help individuals discern whether this particular modality is for them and if so, prepare for future training.
"I found this book intriguing because it contains a lot of information that is new and different from other books on the subject. Alijandra has channeled much of the material in this book and her guides present interesting information about the origin of creation and about other dimensions. There are techniques offered for experiencing out-of-body travel, time travel, inter-dimensional travel and travel to wormholes, quasars and parallel universes. The author has spent years exploring these and offers the reader an opportunity to do the same.
"Someone new to metaphysics may find this book too difficult to follow as there is a lot of information presented in abbreviated form. However, I would recommend it to anyone who has some background in metaphysical terms and concepts and is ready to venture into something new and different. Whether you agree with the information or not, Alijandra will definitely take you outside your nine dots!"
Tys Dammeyer (aka Outboundlight)
September 2001
book is elaborate and very instructive. The author, Alijandra, has
found a way of exploring chromotherapy in a practical form, with the
intent of introducing many exercises that the reader will be able to
feel, and go through the experience of utilizing the techniques of
chromotherapy in not just the physical body (with the energy plan),
but also curing emotional imbalances and illnesses.
her work with clients, along with her teachings in San Jose,
California, this experienced holistic therapist wanted to write a
book that surpasses just a manual of applying techniques of
chromotherapy. It focuses on forming future healers and making them
aware of their mission of helping others and having harmony on our
planet. Alijandra has created moments of reflection, accompanied by
practical exercises in order to make the reader understand that
before healing others--it is necessary that we help ourselves first
with the Rainbow Rays" ("A Fonte de Cura dos Chakras e das
Cores" Portuguese translation) is a theoretical book whose goal
is so that we may understand the blocking, discomfort and imbalance
that happens in our lives.
of these issues make up the 25 chapters on the road to inside curing
and the formation of future therapists with constant perfection.
Amazon.com Reviews

"Reading "Rainbow Rays" is an eye-opening exuberant experience. There is so much information in these pages that it really should be two volumes instead of one. Packed with procedures and techniques, this book gives you concrete ways to access the ethereal. Alijandra really knows her stuff and offers her years of insight into the energy work of which she is a master. Whether you wish to burst through the blocks in your life or connect to the rainbow light of peace; this book will be an invaluable aid in your photonic journey. "
Joseph Ernest Martin is the author and artist for the best selling Quest Tarot and author of the book: The Compass. Joseph has been doing psychic/spiritual work for over 20 years and is an award winning artist.
February 24, 2004

"Don't let the title of HEALING WITH THE RAINBOW RAYS mislead you -- there is much more than just color therapy involved here. Alijandra has done an excellent job of bringing several different healing techniques (color, sound, crystals, herbs, movement) together in one ambitious reference book. The basic techniques of grounding, balancing, protection, and clearing energy are described, as are the chakra and endocrine system. Additionally, the essential art of dealing with psychic hooks and chakra blocks are included.
"I was delighted to be able to make immediate use of the concept of working with the rainbow rays of color for self-healing. In just a few minutes, with the aid of a simple color visualization technique, I cleared out a long-standing pattern of fear which had resided in the cells of my body for most of my life (a kind of background noise that I had become accustomed to). I'm grateful to have noticed tremendous and lasting improvement from such a simple exercise.
"HEALING WITH THE RAINBOW RAYS is valuable for healers of every level of experience, since Alijandra takes care to explain basic terms and also outline some rather advanced exercises such as: time travel, teleportation, levitation, invisibility, and shapeshifting. Another unexpected surprise about this book is it's coverage of the "black ray" -- an often overlooked color in healing.
"I recommend this book to anyone with an open mind to seeing the world in new ways, and most especially to anyone who wishes to heal themselves or others."
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"Alijandra is a California-based healer, researcher, and author who is a pioneer in the area of working with the transformative power of color.
"There are many practitioners out there working with color, and my sense is that this is the recovery of ancient wisdom that was lost to us at the end of the Atlantean period. New information is being revealed, though, to gifted healers like Alijandra, who are bringing forward this information so that we can all make use of it in our lives.
"Healing with the Rainbow Rays is a clear, practical "How To" guide for starting to work with the healing properties of color in your own life. She covers a lot of ground in this manual. Topics covered include energy scanning, chakra balancing, dealing with psychic hooks (from other people,) working with sound and movement, the misunderstood "black" ray (too often abused by dark occultists and therefore earning a bad reputation!) the shadow self, advanced holographic healing, and more. The language of the book isn't so advanced that a 12 year-old couldn't appreciate it and put the techniques to practice. It's really a user-friendly type of book, accessible to all ages.
"I found that I could enter into the material at the exact place that "synchronicity" guided me, getting right to work with some of the balancing techniques and grounding techniques she includes. There's a lot of great material here. Even experienced healer who work with other modalities will find something of use.
I'm sure you'll learn something interesting about the miraculous world of color from reading Alijandra's book. I know I did!"
"I found that I could enter into the material at the exact place that "synchronicity" guided me, getting right to work with some of the balancing techniques and grounding techniques she includes. There's a lot of great material here. Even experienced healer who work with other modalities will find something of use.
I'm sure you'll learn something interesting about the miraculous world of color from reading Alijandra's book. I know I did!"
New Jersey, USA
February 24, 2005

"I have so enjoyed Healing With the Rainbow Rays! I KNEW there was a missing link in all the info I have studied and now I found it! My husband laughed that he has not seen me read one book over and over like that in years. It is that good! Now I am off to buy the tapes and CDs so I can REALLY immerse myself in this program. I cannot believe this book was written in 1995 - YEARS ahead of its time!!!"
K. D. Vitcak "The Blissful Life" (Far northern MN United States) January 22, 2005

"An excellent practical guide to healing. The techniques that Alijandra describes in her book are simple to learn yet very effective. I have been practicing meditation and shamanic techniques for over twenty years and have found that Alijandra's teachings are a most valuable addition to those of the master yogis and shamans who have instructed me."
Mark Levy, Ph.D; author of Technicians of Ecstasy 1999

"'Healing with the Rainbow Rays' is a fascinating book that culminates years of intensive study. Practical techniques and simple explanations take the mystery out of the "undefinable", making it much more understandable. I have worked with these procedures and many of the methods are simple. The book has been around for a few years, but provides an innovative perspective on using color to heal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This book is extremely effective and can be used by novices as well as experienced healers. I highly recommend the book."
Sharon Fawcett, astrologer and healer
The Healing Connection; Vacaville, CA
May 2000
"Rainbow Healing Blazes Across the Universe"

"I have just finished reading Alijandra's HEALING with the RAINBOW RAYS again. The concept can be summed up in one sentence. Getting one's colors lined up. However, that simple sentence barely touches on the complexities of getting one's self "lined up." Alijandra allows us to discover the multiple chromatics of our chakras and how to fine-tune them. As she so brilliantly describes the color hues of each chakra's location and how to personally tune this to our best well-being is a detail exploration of ones own self. Her ability to combine and explain the natural energies that emanate all around and through us, provides a detailed road map to help one understand themselves and others better.
"HEALING with the RAINBOW RAYS requires a person to take a personal interest in their self. By utilizing Alijandra's teachings and techniques we will find our own unique power from within. And with any fine object that needs to be "tweaked" to stay in tip-top operation, Alijandra's HEALING with the RAINBOW RAYS is just the maintenance manual that our spirit needs to stay in perfect harmony with one's own self.
"I look forward to reading more writings from Alijandra. "
"HEALING with the RAINBOW RAYS requires a person to take a personal interest in their self. By utilizing Alijandra's teachings and techniques we will find our own unique power from within. And with any fine object that needs to be "tweaked" to stay in tip-top operation, Alijandra's HEALING with the RAINBOW RAYS is just the maintenance manual that our spirit needs to stay in perfect harmony with one's own self.
"I look forward to reading more writings from Alijandra. "
John Zarr
February 24, 2005
February 24, 2005
~~~Jennifer Shepherd, the Lipstick Mystic, author of High Spirits: How to Banish Bad Vibes for Good
"In the 15th century, intrepid explorers ventured beyond the boundaries of the known world, daring to cross untraveled oceans in their pursuit of knowledge. Today's explorers, like Alijandra, dare to enter untraveled spaces in consciousness, bringing back scouting reports from the frontier of multi-dimensional realities. Read her new book, Cosmic Chakras, and be transported to new worlds."
~~~ Robert Rabbin, spiritual teacher, keynote speaker, and author of Igniting the Soul at Work, The Sacred Hub, and Echoes of Silence
~~~ Mark Levy, Ph.D. Professor of Art History at California State University East Bay and author of Technicians of Ecstasy: Shamanism and the Modern Artist and Void/in Art.
~~~the late Galina Pembroke;
author & publisher/editor of New View Magazine