Color Healing

A Profound Method of Healing 

with Alijandra 

Color energy healing involves basic skills of energy transferal for balancing body, emotions, mind and soul alignment, as well as quantum capabilities of connecting multidimensionally, beyond space and time, beyond gravity, beyond matter as we know it. 

For a list of all classes offered, see the Events/Training page in this website
Basic Color Energy Healing
Encompasses 4 Webinars with Alijandra
(Originator and founder of Healing with the Rainbow Rays)


20 hours credit. Certification through Alijandra when complete.

No Prerequisites required. Pre-registration is required. Ideal for CMTs & multiple modality healers. Also, for new healers.

The definitive workshop for learning and increasing your ability to work with energy. Enhance your specialized healing modality with this skill, and use it for your own personal growth. Also, this workshop will trigger and amplify your intuitive abilities. Hands-on table work between webinars.

Magical Blend calls Healing with the Rainbow Rays “an expansive collection of healing techniques, simply outlined and clearly explained. Alijandra does an admirable job presenting energy healing techniques in a concise, easy-to-read manner, calling on Spirit to enhance the study.” Evolving Times says "a cutting-edge book in a little known field, Alijandra has filled a gap in healing education. Layman and professional healer alike can use this book and its exercises to effectively establish healing energy.”

"Wonderful class! I feel this will help expand my healing work as well as accelerate my spiritual growth and healing. Color energy therapy is a very gentle, soft loving energy, but it is also a very powerful strong energy. A neat balance. "-----Michelle W., Los Angeles

The 20 hour class when in person (Or 8 hours of time on line if taken as a webinar, which includes 12 hours of homework) presents:
  • How to clear yourself
  • How to ground yourself and utilize earth energies in healing
  • How to balance your chakras
  • Utilizing your Family of Light to keep away discordant energy
  • How to send energy from any chakra point
  • Becoming skilled with using the Rays of Creation
  • Becoming familiar at using the Flames of Creation
  • Body scanning and sensing the client's auric field
  • Clearing and aligning someone else's chakras
  • Sensing and channeling energy by discerning your transmitting and receiving hands
  • The Crystallization Process of enhancing your ability to send and receive color energy.
  • Opening up deeper to your guidance
  • Opening the heart chakra to deeper levels
  • Chakra blocks perception
  • Learning what intuitive abilities you utilize
  • Relieving Stress and Trauma technique
  • Blending rays and Aura Merging techniques
  • Solar plexus tying in emergency situations
  • The Gold and Silver rays for masculine and feminine balance
  • Monitoring Your Boundaries as a healer
  • Obtaining Permission for healing
  • Long Distance Healing and Remote Viewing
  • Discovering the Multidimensions. Introducing Quantum thinking into the Basic level
  • Other techniques which will be added
  • Much hands-on table work with the homework. Several meditations during class
 “Alijandra’s classes are great! I have learned to “see” energy, illness, and guides. I have such a better awareness and the possibilities that exist. I can’t recommend her classes strongly enough.” ----Carla, H.; Folsom, CA

Details: The non-earlybird fee is $299.00. Early Bird Special is $260 if paid completely by the deposit date. Paypal accepted, but debit or credit cards not through Paypal also accepted. Will accept checks and money orders from US only. Make those out to A. Claire. Send out a week ahead of the respective due dates for earlybirds, deposits or balances to ensure a timely arrival. Address given after signup.

For certification, you will also be required to complete a number of individual healings with a "client" (family member, friend or actual client) in between the webinars. You may take as much time as you need to accomplish the homework, but certification cannot be given until all is complete and turned into Alijandra. There will also be a chance to talk with her personally for any healing guidance. Go to the Events/Training page for the links to signup when the class is currently set with planned dates.

Alijandra is an internationally known author, teacher, healer and channel for Source and her mentor ascended master St. Germain, and a messenger of both the Galactic Federation and the Archangelic League of Light, who is based in the Sacramento, California area. Intuitive and empathic her whole life, she originally trained as a registered nurse. She has focused her attention the last 31 years to the development and practice of color energy therapy. She additionally trained in several other healing/ bodywork modalities, which she frequently uses. Her focus is on the spiritual, visionary side and how to effectively apply it to the holistic healing process. She is the founder and author of "Healing with the Rainbow Rays", a pioneering work into a little known field. In 1997 she developed the modality of "Transfigurational Matrix Healing", which continues to yield on-going, cutting-edge new material. The latest work of the last 5½ years is the new Rainbow Liquid Light material, which is now being taught after several years of individual sessions only. Alijandra is also a teacher of the planetary and cosmic levels of ascension. She maintains three fan sites on Facebook that are very popular: "Healing with the Rainbow Rays", "Accelerated Manifesting, and "Rainbow Dolphin Pod Healing". Her instagram page (new) is healingwiththerainbowrays. Her website is www.colorhealing.comTwitter: @Alijandra7777. She has her on line radio program "Healing with the Rainbow Rays" on Mondays from 6-7:30pm PST. You can reach her in the States at (408) 986-8550. Email address is