In the past, we have moved from the outside in to bulldoze through the blockages. This is still effective. However, we are now going to try another method.
~ We will be starting at the heart of the blockage, moving outward from it.
~ Ground, protect, and balance the chakras.
~ Bring forth the crystallizing clear flame and move it through your body, clearing and cleansing and providing a mirror, letting the "distortions of frequency" light up to show you where they are located.
~ Once you have located the various spots, start with a relatively "easy" blockage first.
~ Surround the outer edge of the blockage with a vortex of violet energy. This will transmute what comes off of the blocked area.
~ Penetrate into the center or "heart" of the blockage by pulling your focus to a laser-like pinpoint of attention. As you intuitively find its core, settle into the center of it.
~ Consciously direct a stream of ultraviolet light to join you in the center of this mass.
~ Begin to spiral the ultraviolet light in a counter-clockwise direction, gradually seeing it move the blocked energy apart from its entrenched position. This counter-clockwise direction is one which the ancients saw as unlocking the shadow aspects of oneself.
~ As the stuff is sloughed off, it will be consumed by the vortex of violet energy surrounding the block.
~ Ask Source to download a clockwise spiral of rainbow energy into the newly created void where the block had been. We always fill voids with positive energy.
~ Continue through each block this way. Those that are too difficult to do alone will be done with a partner.
~ As always, clear and ground upon completion.
©2000 Emerald Star Publishing and Alijandra. All rights reserved. Requires permission for duplication.